Find the therapist who best suits your needs
Our therapists have extensive experience treating anxiety, stress, and depression, as well as helping people cope with the ups and downs of life. Many are affiliated with prestigious institutions in the Bay Area, including Stanford University, Palo Alto University, the University of California, San Francisco, and the VA Palo Alto, and they have received training at some of the top graduate programs in the country.
Adult Therapists
See our General Psychotherapy Clinic and Anxiety + OCD Clinic pages for details on our areas of expertise.
Child and Adolescent Therapists
See more information on our Child and Teen Clinic and Assessment Clinic for details on our areas of expertise.
Couples Therapists
See more information on our Couples Clinic for details on our areas of expertise.
Ready to get started?
Ready to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists? Click on the link below to help us match you with one of our highly trained clinicians.